Saturday, March 3, 2012

"There is no such thing as a “law abiding citizen”"

That is an official statement of the 'National Gun Victims Action Council' NGAC (why they don't call it NGVAC I don't know). They equate someone who speeds to a homicidal murderer because they believe a person who goes 60 in a 55 is just as likely to get a gun and go on a violent rampage, shooting as many innocent people as possible. You think I'm kidding?

"Anyone can lose control at any moment."
Think about the level of fear and clinical paranoia a person must have to believe that. To believe that we are all just another Cho, Lougner, Hasan, or Lane waiting to happen 'at any moment'. That they can't recognize the difference between a truly immoral/sociopathic action and an arbitrary bureaucratic prohibition. Then realize that this person believes they should set policy for you, determining what you should be 'allowed' to do w/ your rights, property and life. Also remember that the majority of the NGAC board are also affiliated w/ the Brady Campaign.

On another note, what kind of people is he around if he's "seen people jump out of a cars and come to blows over a parking spot, taxis cutting them off, violent arguments in movies about texting etc." on such a regular occurrence that it's the standard for his view of society?

Oh, Chicago. Right. The city w/ some of the strictest gun laws in the nation and 5x the murder rate of the rest of the state. Gun Control is a mental illness.

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Friday, March 2, 2012

IL Dist 110 Race: Halbrook Meet & Greet

Just got back from a meet and greet for Brad Halbrook who's looking to be the GOP candidate for the new 110th district. State Rep Chapin Rose (R-110) has endorsed him w/ Eddy dropping out of the race.

Some photos:

Brad Halbrook meeting & greeting

Chapin Rose's 'good side'.

State Rep. Chapin Rose (R-110), Tom Cross (House GOP leader R-84), State Sen. Dale Righter (R-55)

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Their Argument in a Nutshell

You have no right to own a firearm outside of a 'well-regulated' Militia, to claim otherwise means you're a racist insurrectionist who hates the gov't, but if you practice that right and join a Militia, regulated and organized by the state, you're a racist insurrectionist who hates the gov't.

Like Sebastian TBFKASIH put it, there's no way to win w/ these people. They hate guns and want to see you w/o them. That's what it all boils down to.

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When You See the Phrase 'Packing Heat' in the First Sentence..

Don't bother reading the rest because it's sure to be a smear piece high on emotion and short on facts.

I should make that DOOT's Law or something.

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Illinois Anti-Gun Bills Out of Committee

From the head Illinois Joyce puppet, Mark Walsh, ICAHV:
both HB 5831(The Certificate of Handguns Registration Act ) and HB 5167 (The High Crime Trauma Center Grant Fund )passed the (Executive)committee on a partisan roll call and are now headed to the full House of Representatives.
Translation: Every POS Chicagocrat voted for the bills. Every Republican voted against them.

. Walsh thinks that he has grassroots support and that it was 'calls and e-mails' that did this. He's FOS. These bills went to a biased committee w/ a zero chance of being rejected and will be smashed on the floor.

Make your voices heard people.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Victim vs Survivor

Joan Peterson, Brady Campaign Nat'l Board member, believes any 'attack' on anti-gun advocate and Brady Campaign employee Colin Goddard is 'classless' because he's a 'victim'. Apparently not being killed gives him a universal shield for political activism due to his 'victimhood'.

I disagreed. Since he's gone far outside of the realm of the issues behind the VT shooting, he's opened himself up to criticism and attacks, just like any other political advocate.

So then another professional anti-gun advocate '@everygun' pipes in regarding Kurt Hoffman (after claiming Goddard was a 'combat veteran'):
Neither is his attacker's "paralysis."
Note the word paralysis in quotes. For those who don't know, Kurt(45Superman) IS paralyzed due to a car accident some years ago and is a REAL veteran. Never have I seen him use it as a reason for him not to be criticized or attacked nor have I ever seen him use it as a way to gain sympathy. He does use it as a reason why he (and others) should be allowed to defend himself in the most effective way possible. Goddard is not a 'veteran' in any way however he did lie about his military service.

But Anti's don't care about that. They only care that their golden child is being criticized. They need to use victimhood as a shield because otherwise they would be forced to deal w/ their own issues.

As the discussion continued, @everygun then began to claim only airports are true 'gun free zones' and that schools should have the same level of security, (dozens of armed guards, rentacop security forces, dangerous scanners, strip searches, gropings, etc) while denying that TSA abuses have occurred since it hasn't happened to them (yet).

These people need serious mental care.

Some screencaps for those blocked:

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Dan Gross, Brady Campaign President: Then & Now

Today is inauguration day for the new Brady Campaign President, Dan Gross. So far he's had an inauspicious beginning.

I'm guessing that Mr. Gross is an acolyte of President Obama. Remember when then Sen. Obama said he wasn't going to run? Here's what Mr. Gross had to say in September 2011 on 'political activism':
political activists (of which I am very decidedly not one)
Just months later he was hired as, you guessed it, the head of a political activist group.

One also wonder what he hopes to accomplish as he's already pretty much resigned to what he considers to be the status quo:
the fact that there are already estimated to be more than 200 million guns in homes across America, there is very little that we can do to prevent the random madman from getting a hold of one and wreaking terrible havoc.
So is the Brady Campaign going to focus exclusively on 'youth violence' or are Mr. Gross's words nothing more that 'advertising', capable of changing in a moments notice to draw in suckers donors for his new club?

We'll see.

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Virginia Loses More Brady Points

Legislation to Repeal One-Gun-a-Month Signed into Law by Governor Bob McDonnell

I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth from here. "They don't care about dead children!!!"

Truly as auspicious beginning for the new Brady Campaign president.

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Blood Dancing

Gun control advocates are such charming, considerate folks. This comment was left on the Starbucks FB page by a woman named Linda Gaither, chair of the National Executive Council, Episcopal Peace Fellowship, one of the originators of the failed 'boycott':
Another child has died in the Chardon, Ohio school shooting. May the family be sustained though this tragedy by our concern and care. We can exhibit our care by working for better gun laws: Ohio needs a Child Access Prevention Law. Help change the laws, Starbucks!
We see what she's 'concerned' and 'care's' about. Using this tragedy as a platform to push her political agenda. And who comments in support of her? Why Ladd Everitt, Comm. Dir. of the CSGV who spent a good part of yesterday attacking firearm owners for 'scoring points' and 'ugly comments' while he spent the rest of it using the tragedy to, you guessed it, score points to push for more gun laws. Of course it's not limited to these two, Weer'd has a post up on the ranting of Joan Peterson, Brady Campaign/Joyce Puppet board member, Sebastian TBFKASIH finds the 'tribute site' reposted by most anti-gunners, is actually run by a far left political advocacy group w/ no connection to the school or families that is likely name mining. It's also a strong supporter of gun control. The entire home page of Protest Easy Guns's FB page is currently filled w/ posts calling for more laws in the wake of this tragedy. And now the Brady Campaign is joining the fray.

They try and cover themselves w/ a veneer of 'caring' and 'concern' but they have shown themselves to be the most heartless, opportunistic political leeches one can imagine and they will stop at nothing (including libel and intimidation) to achieve their goals.

Are these the kind of people you think can make 'reasonable', 'common-sense' laws for the public good?

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Like an Afghani Farmer

Who needs an 'assault clip'? Tonight I did.

It's 4am and I'm sitting here still a bit wound up. About 30 min ago I was woken up to the sound of a pack of coyotes (at least half-a-dozen) in our yard. About 20' from the house and likely heading towards the animals to try for a late night snack.

I grabbed the SAR-1 (AK clone) w/ a 20 rnd magazine, ran outside and started firing at them. Don't think I hit any (it's not easy aiming w/o my glasses) but between me firing and the pair of large collies charging towards them, they turned and ran off. Had they decided to be more aggressive and go after the dogs, I would have needed more than the five rounds I popped off.

My only regret is those first five rounds in the mag were Glasers.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

No, There's No Predetermined Agenda in Oak Park, IL

Tomorrow's Board Meeting in Oak Park, IL. The city that joined w/ Chicago to defend their own handgun ban and has done everything it can to run the lone gun shop out of business.


Oak Park Board of Health
February 28, 2012, 6 PM
Village Hall – Room 102

1)Call to Order
2)Approval of Agenda
3)Approval of Minutes of January 24, 2012
4)Public Comment
5)Old Business:
a)Recommendations for Local Regulation of Firearms
Guest: Mark Walsh, Campaign Director, Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence
b)Update on Cycling Safety – Rhoda Bernstein
6)New Business
The ICAHV is the primary Joyce Puppet for Illinois and Mark Walsh is its head mouthpiece so we already know what kind of 'recommendations' he's going to make and which the Board is going to 'vote' on.

Democracy in action.

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